English version below

Først gav landsholdslæge, Morten Boesen, en status på Christian Eriksen, der faldt om på banen i slutningen af første halvleg af EM-kampen mod Finland.

- Vi blev kaldt på banen, da Christian faldt om. Jeg nåede ikke selv at se det, men det blev hurtigt klart, at han ikke var ved bevidsthed. Da vi kom derhen, lå han på siden og havde vejrtrækning og puls. Ret hurtigt ændrede billedet sig, og så startede vi livsreddende hjertebehandling.

- Vi får også fantastisk hurtig hjælp fra stadionlægen og resten af beredskabet, og vi får iværksat de tiltage, der skal til. Vi får Christian tilbage, og han når at tale til mig inden han bliver kørt på hospitalet til videre udredning og undersøgelse, siger landsholdslæge Morten Boesen.

Landstræner Kasper Hjulmand satte på pressemødet også ord på aftenens hændelser.

- Det var en meget, meget hård aften. Vi blev mindet om, hvad det vigtigste i livet er. Det er meningsfyldte relationer. Mennesker, vi har tæt på os. Familie og venner. Og her har vi en gruppe, jeg ikke kan rose nok. Jeg kan ikke være mere stolt af denne gruppe mennesker. Efter den positive melding fra Eriksen fik vi to muligheder: Enten at spille videre eller at møde op i morgen klokken 12.00. Det var en enig gruppe, der valgte at fortsætte, siger landstræner Kasper Hjulmand og fortsætter:

- Alle tanker er hos Christian og hans familie. Han er en af de bedste spillere, der findes derude. Og så kan jeg så sige, at han er et endnu bedre menneske.

Der vil nu blive tilbudt krisehjælp til spillerne, Christians familie og alle øvrige omkring Herrelandsholdet.

Hjulmand: We were reminded of what the most important thing in life is

At the press conference after Denmark’s match against Finland, the national coach Kasper Hjulmand and national team doctor Morten Boesen spoke about Christian Eriksen and the incident during the match.

First, the national team doctor, Morten Boesen, gave a status on Christian Eriksen, who collapsed on the field at the end of the first half of the European Championship match against Finland.

- We were called onto the field when Christian fell over. I did not see it myself, but it quickly became apparent that Christian  was not conscious. When we got there, he was lying on his side, breathing with a pulse. Pretty quickly, the situation changed, and then we started life-saving heart treatment.

- We got fantastic and quick help from the stadium doctor and the rest of the emergency services. We got the necessary measures implemented. We brought Christian back, and he managed to talk to me before he was taken to the hospital for further examination, says national team doctor Morten Boesen.

National coach Kasper Hjulmand also put words to the evening's events at the press conference.

- It was a very, very hard night. We were reminded of what the most important thing in life is. Meaningful relationships. People close to us. Family and friends. And here we have a group I cannot praise enough. I cannot be more proud of this group of people. After the positive message from Eriksen, we got two options: Either to continue playing or to show up tomorrow at 12.00. It was a unanimous group that chose to continue, says national coach Kasper Hjulmand and continues:

- All thoughts are with Christian and his family. He's one of the best players out there. And he is an even better person.

Crisis help will now be offered to the players, Christian's family, and everyone else around the Men's National Team.